
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

My deca tree

this is my deca tree work i am still working on it. it is quite hard to get this far. the question was. the deca tree has ten trunks and on each trunk there is ten branches and on each branch there is ten twigs and on each twig there is ten leafs. there was a lumberjack he chopped off one trunk ,one branch, one twig and plucked one leaf.


  1. Hi, I'm Hunter from Awahono School. I like how you keep on adding more and more detail when describing the Deca tree work. How long did it take to get to that point?

  2. Hey there Kerry, my name is Parwin and I am a year 7 from Yaldhurst Model School. I go really confused when I was reading about the tree part, its sounds challenging! I like how you added lots of detail and how you added a photo but you can't really see the drawing that you did but great job! Maybe next time make sure that you have capital letters but apart from that, you did a great job!

    Looking forward to your next posts,

  3. Kia ora Im Te Aorangi from Tautoro School. I liked your Asssmbly video. I
    I enjoyed the part when you were singing. Ka kite ano
